Thursday 8 December 2022

Breaking News... I'm Not Dead!

Ok I admit the title is just a little bit over dramatic.  Nevertheless it has been a while since my last post, so I must apologise to my loyal readers, both of you, for my lack of output.

In my defence I have been very busy on musical projects.  I've been down to Manchester to plan (drink) with my university band friends, trying to work out what we do next on our project which is codename: Amen Brother.  There will be more playing together in the New Year, a possible session in a recording studio and both James and I have written brand new songs which may or may not make the final cut.  That and of course plenty more planning.

Taking up the most time however was the preparation for a charity gig at Settle's Victoria Hall in support of the Settle Swimming Pool.

We had a fantastic night, aided by a boisterous and enthusiastic crowd and were interviewed by The Bentham News reporter (wonder who that was).  As a bonus we were also photographed by Jon Brook from Bentham Imaging for the article, that you can read on page 6 of the December edition here.

Revival of the Fittest at Victoria Hall, Settle.
So as an apology for my neglect, and as we are firmly in the season of goodwill, I thought I would post some of the other bits of writing that I've done over the last year.  Some of the articles have been published already, others not, but I'm pretty proud of my growing portfolio, I hope you enjoy them too.

I'd be grateful for any feedback you may have on any of the articles.  Please comment on the blog or send me a message.  The first post will be with you shortly.

Oh and by the way Merry Christmas!


  1. Looking forward to reading more of your scribing Matt.

  2. Sorry that wasn't meant to be anonymous...

  3. I always read and enjoy the posts. Still not made it anywhere to see you play but it's on my to do list, (Still!). All the best for Christmas and 2023 :)

  4. Hi Julie, Happy New Year! Hope you are all well. Will have to try and gets some gigs a bit closer to you for 2023.


A Postcard from the City

Bentham Station "We need to get out, have a change a scene!" My wife's words rang true for all of us.  We've had a a fairl...